Indie Business RoundtableAMIBA's (American Independent Business Alliance) mission is "building a strong local economy that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable."
Lee facilitated a conversation with business alliances, indie locals and local economy partners. Ask how we help your organization be more inclusive. |
COVID & Change Management
The pandemic forced dramatic and rapid changes on us all. The decision to 'go hybrid' or depends on what works for your stakeholders. It's a process that begins at the top, with curiosity and conversations. This webinar explores innovative and employee-friendly responses to COVID and provides an organizational culture framework to reduce misunderstanding and conflict.
Leading in the New Abnormal
Economic Alliance Snohomish County hosted our 2021 presentation, moderated by CEO Garry Clark, (with Lee) on "Tools to Navigate COVID Conflict & Re-entry." Click on the image or listen to the webinar here.
Leaders Never Stop LearningYesterday's traditional brick-and-mortar workplace is rapidly becoming multicultural, multi-generational and hybrid. This new reality requires better communication skills, more flexibility, and less hierarchy.
Deloitte's inclusive leadership model has six traits: - Curiosity - Cultural intelligence - Collaboration - Commitment - Courage - Cognizance |
Diverse Teams Perform Better
Everyone is diverse. Interpersonal Skills are part of your IDENTITY. They help us get along with others, influencing everything from communication to behavior. Having high emotional intelligence is increasingly a prerequisite for career growth.
Listening is the Core of DEI
Listening is the bedrock of emotional intelligence. Diversity brings the challenge of working with people from other cultures, many of whom who speak English as a second language.
While understanding people's accents can be difficult, much "cross-cultural" USA business is with native speakers; where communication gaps and mixed signals aren't linguistic. This Mind Tool diagram shows the time-tested basics. Learn more. |
Types of Culture Defined
The Spring Institute offers these helpful definitions for related but not interchangeable words. Each reflects different levels of engagement with other cultures:
- MULTICULTURAL refers to a society that contains several cultural or ethnic groups.
- CROSS-CULTURAL deals with the comparison of different cultures.
- INTERCULTURAL is a community in which there is a deep understanding and respect for all cultures.
- MULTICULTURAL refers to a society that contains several cultural or ethnic groups.
- CROSS-CULTURAL deals with the comparison of different cultures.
- INTERCULTURAL is a community in which there is a deep understanding and respect for all cultures.
Leadership Made Simple
The Diamond Mind Playbook is a simple and effective tool to help you make decisions easily, get unstuck, and flow. Author Tom Rosenak, is an executive coach and certified Blanchard trainer. His proven growth process includes 4 dimensions:
Communication & Culture
Here are some tools to help you tackle DEI: - Learn Cultures, Not Languages, by Ian Brenner - Racial Equity tools - Developmental Assets Strength Finder tool from Search Institute, available in English or Spanish. While this (free to social profits) template was designed for youth, it applies to all former children. |
1. PSRA (PR Society of America) Tool Kit. 2. Building D&I into Your Small Business- a SCORE webinar by Stephanie Felix. 3. Strategic Communications Planning- a template developed by The Spin Project. 4. Build a DEI Initiative- by SHRM, (Society for Human Resource Management.) |
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